Vote for CrazyShiba

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

25 July, 2021


Crazy Shiba is a 100 % Decentralized Community Driven Token There is a new Crazy Shiba in town - and they are going to the moon. Very experienced Dev Team onboard, Crazy Shiba project will be a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Liquidty Locked and Renounced Ownership at launch. Fairlaunch will be on 25/07/2021 8 PM CEST Supply : 1,000,000,000,000,000 📷 30 % BURNED 📷 5 % MARKETINGWALLET 📷 Total Circulating Supply after burning : 650,000,000,000,000 📷 10% Tax on Transactions• 4% Distributed to holders• 4% Added to liquidity – 2% Marketing 📷 Profit from Holding - Power to the Hodlers Reward for holders with a 4% transaction tax which puts Crazy Shiba directly into your wallet every time someone buys or sells. 📷 Ownership Renouncal By renouncing ownership, the developers cannot take any actions to alter the token supply (no printing new tokens) Proof of Ownership Renouncal. 📷 Verified Contract on Bscscan – TBA 🧾 Contract-Address: TBA 📷 Telegram: 📷 Website : TBA – 20/07-2021 📷 Whitepaper: TBA – 21/07-2021 📷 Twitter: 📷 Instagram:
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