Vote for Shit Pad

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

18 June, 2022



🔰Token Symbol SHITPAD

💪Compile Launch

-Welcome to ShitPad, a new project from Compile and Nicholas.

With these two team names you know that by now the project will be a success but above all it is 100% legit and safe.

What is SHITPAD?

-ShitPad is a launchpad in which we have inserted a new utility to reward gl holders, to reward those who always support us. We strongly believe in your support, in the support of our community.

What do I get with ShitPad?

-With shitpad you will get exclusive access to all upcoming compile launches.

Anyone who buys 1 billion  ShitPad will automatically be included in a white list and will have early access to all our next launches



💩Start Lp 2 BNB

💩Tax 8%

💩Liquidity 3%

💩Marketing 5%

💩Max Wallet 5%

🔒Liquidty Locked

📝Ownership Renounced

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