Vote for Tom Coin

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

07 June, 2022


1️⃣Project summary:

Tom Coin is a crypto meme project based on the cartoon series of "Tom & Jerry" issued $TMC on the Binance Smart Chain. Also, the developers released a P2E game based on Tom character with metaverse where you can buy cats with different rarities of of the marketplace or randomly by using TMC as the main currency. Ingame you will be able to hunt rats with your unique cat to gain experience points and wrapped BNB. Therefore, the developers of Tomcoin have decided to fully secure the initial capital and liquidity of the project by locking LP. It is impossible to reverse this process since the contract is renounced.  

2️⃣Project KPI’s and TBA’s:

Successfully migrated on a V2 contract end of April, P2E game released, DEV KYC’ed, contract RENOUNCED, listed on CMC + CG + Azbit + Finexbox + Tokpie + Avedex, only 2% tax for each transaction, NFT collection and new CEX listings still TBA.

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