Vote for Simp Baby

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

12 July, 2021


SIMP BABY is a meme coin that has -BuyBack Function -Lottery Function -Simp Roadmap (Doing what everyone wants. ex: Exchanges - Coingecko) Tokenomics: 2% Simp Share (Shared between holders) 7% Re-Simp (Buyback) 4% Simp Legacy (Marketing) 100% UnruggableL We will lock 100% LP on right after adding liquidity. Stabilizes Price: We have integrated a buyback on the code which will stabilise the price and burn token. Marketing Wallet: Simp Baby marketing wallet will receive a 4% fee from each transaction. Rewards Holders: Simp Baby share 2% of each transaction to Simp Baby holders, incentivizing holding.
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