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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

12 May, 2022


The objective of the Dohrnii platform is to support the growth of the crypto industry by giving investors the education and tools they need to succeed.

Dohrnii focuses the platform around 2 features — The Dohrnii Academy and the Dohrnii Marketplace.

The Academy is where crypto investors go to learn about different crypto topics. Highly gamified, the objective is to deliver the content in a way that is engaging and relevant.

The curriculum is curated by university professors to ensure only the highest quality content.

The Academy uses a Learn to Earn system which rewards users as they progress through the lessons.

Users are also able to challenge each other and compete to win crypto prizes.


The Marketplace is a platform that focuses around the exchange of crypto content, in the form of datasets or strategies.

Today most of this exchange happens on platforms that are not optimised to that effect. Content creators find it hard to monetize their content and users find it hard to filter the good and the bad with all the noise.

The objective of the marketplace is to give crypto investors a place where they can access and unlock high-quality data and strategies in a free and open way.


The DHN token

$DHN is the token that powers the Dohrnii ecosystem and allows users to get the most out of the platform. $DHN is a multichain utility token available on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, VeChain, and Matic.

The token plays a vital role in empowering crypto investors. It incentivizes all participants to contribute to the ecosystem, and supports the creation of a compensation framework as the core driver of growth for the platform.

The Dohrnii wallet

Dohrnii is also developing its own blockchain wallet. The wallet will enable users to have a better experience while using the Dohrnii platforms.


·        VeChain

·        Ethereum

·        Binance Smart Chain

·        Matic Polygon

·        Bitcoin


·        Store, view, send, and receive tokens

·        Native Staking on the app — only available for the DHN token

·        Web browser — App integration for Dex & Swaps

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Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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