Vote for Archie Neko

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

22 April, 2022


INTRODUCTION The story of Archie is true, the story of a cute, friendly, and fiercely loyal kitty. Our vision for Archie is to generate wealth for a decentralized community in a safe and secure environment, leveraging Defi protocols and to impact the globe for good, thereby cherishing the memory of our beloved Archie. TOKENOMICS Liquidity: 3% of every Buy & 4% Sell or Transfer transaction is converted into liquidity according to as shown. This is automatic and helps to create a stability. Marketing: 3% of every Buy & 5% of every Sell or Transfer transaction is converted into marketing wallet according to as shown. This will help us to carry out accomplish achieve smart marketing to get our project ready for coming months to the world. Reflection: 6% of every Buy/Sell or Transfer is deducted and distributed to our pool of holders. This will be significant passive income for holders. Archie Treasury: 2% of every Buy/Sell or Transfer will be entered to the Archie Treasury for Farming, Investment and Buy Backs. Archie Foundation: Archie Foundation will receive 1% from the Buy and 3% from Sell or transfer respectively to help with charitable causes. SUMMARY Archie Neko is driven with a passion for the community. We desire to help grow the community and give back through various means of rewards. Rewards will increase as profitability increases! We do this through assured growth opportunities is introducing new service offerings and disbursing the income back to the community through various means. Contract Address: 0x310879cA618Bc765c1CF6f3a1894D802D834505D Website: Telegram: Twitter:

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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