Vote for TitanX

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Market Cap


Launch Date

30 April, 2022


TitanX. Offering a full service platform for developers and investors with an interface that allows beginners to experts the ability to easily complete their crypto journey. 

TitanLaunch- Live Now!! Launch with us!

Full defi open protocol launchpad.

- No project tokens taken- ever

- Fully customized UI- make your presale your own

- Free to Launch - you only pay if your presale is successful

- Fast, responsive design

- Ability to better connect with community, investors and everyone in between

Stealth Launch- fund, lock and launch with the click of a button, without ever leaving our ecosystem. 

Investors get instant access to view, chart and purchase your project the moment you launch.  Every user within our application is a potential new investor you instantly connect with. 

Token Lockers-  In addition to standard liquidity locks, our token lockers allow team tokens to continue to collect rewards while locked. No other locker allows this. 

NFT’S- Not only do we have 5000 nfts for sale today, we are gearing up for a whole new nft line in the coming weeks. Additionally, we are far in development on our nft marketplace. 

Staking at launch- Stake and earn. Unique system based on buy and sale tax. 

Profit sharing. 33% of all revenue generated across our platform is bought back and burned and will expand with a near term goal of creating a unique DAO, where 16% of revenue generated will be sent and holders can directly connect and cash out. The remaining 16% will be bought and burned.

What's to come,

TitanX marketplace

TitanX App 

TitanX Stealth launch 

TitanX NFT marketplace

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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