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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

18 January, 2022


RBX is a de-centralized token launchedby Rubicon Exchange which is designed

to facilitate the user to exchange theirBEP-20 tokens keeping full control and authority over them. Rubicon Exchange

is a de-centralized exchange platform where the users are continually rewarded for transactions they make on it. Our re-purchase mechanism will

steadily increase the value of the tokens with the supply being monitored and purchased back. This creates an

ecosystem for rise in value and supply in control thereby propelling RBX to heights unprecedented.

Rubicon Exchange, a multi-utility application for your cryptoessentials introduces RBX, a BEP20 token on the Binance Smart

Chain and that is set and ready to be your partner in surfing your way into the crypto universe. 

RBX is forecasted to have a maximum volume of 100 Million from which 45 Million would be in

circulation across the prominent blockchain networks. 10 Million Token out of those would be gradually reacquired and burned

to facilitate sustainability.

Our crypto assets like Ethererium, USD Token, BNB etc will back the whole system for fair and transparent mechanism.

N.B. Refer to Our White Paper

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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