Vote for RumIsles

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

27 April, 2022


🏝 RumIsles Is A First-Of-Its-Kind (BSC) Token That Combines Aspects From Passive Income Reward Tokens Into An NFT & A Metaverse P2E World. With An Emphasis On Calculated Sustainability & Rewarding Isles Holders, RumIsles Is Poised To Usher Each Investor Into A Unique Metaverse. Initially, only 2,000 RumIsles will be offered. Purchase Guarantees Land Ownership In The Upcoming RumIsles Metaverse. Join The Presale So You Don’t Miss Your Chance To Own Isles. First Come, First Served!!! 🏝 - KYC Verified βœ…

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