Vote for HotDoge v3

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

01 November, 2021


HOTDOGE v3 is the next generation of HotDoge token. We've upgraded to 3% BNB reflections, buy-back wallet, transaction cooldown, and token assurance. There are tons more features currently available and the roadmap includes token multi send, BNB tracker, staking, NFT Marketplace, and swap. All fees from our tools go back to buying more HotDoge. Liquidity is always locked and we have a vibrant global community. We use "meme power" to bring crypto to the masses. If you're not buying and holding HotDoge, you're missing out on a sure long-term bet with short-term profit potential.

What makes us special besides the features and DApps is we are pioneering RFID and NFC technology with Non-Fungible Tokens. Applications spread across all levels of the global economy and are easily scalable. Join our website email list and check our blog for the latest updates.

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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