Vote for Brave Doge

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

24 March, 2022


Brave Doge is the most brave pup on the crypto space! He stands with us as ONE in personal STRENGTH, BRAVERY, CONFIDENCE, and POSITIVITY in our RISING community!

Supports Homeless Dogs

Millions of street dogs roam virtually everywhere specially in developing countries. They may seem brave and aggressive, but they are really scared as they struggle to survive. Brave Doge supports pet shelters that feed, shelter, and find a new home for these abandoned dogs. 

Strength in numbers

The team and community work hand-in-hand together to make this project a huge success. Our growing community hold enthusiasm and vision with Brave Doge.

Low cap 100x moonshot

We've tighten the supply to drive demand for Brave Doge and fast-track our marketing. This causes huge buying pressure as soon as we launch.

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