Vote for Poolify Finance

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

16 April, 2022


Poolify Finance is a project, born from a swiss-based team of like-minded individuals that share the same goal of revolutionising the DeFi and Metaverse space, by providing every single individual - no matter his/her financial power - the tools to join the game of the whales.

We can all agree that the current Crypto Ecosystem has become a monopoly board where only whales can get richer by securing their spots to expensive launchpads or acquiring and trading popular NFTs that no average user has access to.

Initially, the idea of building decentralised dApps, was to get rid of the greedy middleman, but today this is not enough, as most of nowadays dApps are still fully centralised in terms of development and decision-making process.

Our goal is to change this by following our Vision:

“We want to create a decentralised community using an open source DeFi platform and unlock the full potential of Innovation, Opportunity and Freedom using the power of the collective.”

What is Poolify Finance?

Poolify is a DeFi platform is a hybrid multi-chain protocol that allows leveraged yield farming with a focus on improving the user experience by automation. Poolify combines DeFi and the Metaverse in one platform by offering crowd-investments in popular Metaverse assets.

Who is behind the team?

The current team is Swiss-based, composed of a tech team from Silicon Valley companies and communication / sales advisors from private & public administrations.

What is the Roadmap?

- 2022 Q1 Testing of Beta Platform (Currently under development)

- 2022 Q2 Release of DeFi platform

- 2022 Q3 Release of Governance Module and Crowd Metaverse Marketplace

- 2022 Q4 and beyond (To be decided by the Community)
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