Vote for Raider Token

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

06 March, 2022


1% Buy 0.5% Sell (100% to holders) Day Trading Reflection Token designed to reach high volumes. Liquidity has been locked for 80 years. The contract was renounced after launch. There is no Dev wallet. There is no marketing wallet. The launch was a completely fair launch. A Highly Skilled Community Team is in place for marketing and planning Raids as well as conducting scam investigations. There are abslutely no developers. This is a community owned project. Every token holder is equal. All Raider community members are developers.

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.




2 years before ago

@RaiderToken $RAID #RaidNation #Raid #RaiderToken To the moon in 2022!!πŸ’―πŸ¦ΎπŸ¦ΎπŸ¦ΎπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ



2 years before ago

Tired of tokens holding you #hostage with 20-30% total #tax? Want to be able to #daytrade your tokens at 1% buy and sell tax? Want to #transfer at 1% tax? Be in control of your money without empty promises of volume and utilities. #Raidertoken #BSC



2 years before ago

If I may: we created a community owned token after being scammed. So it is a token for the people by the people. What have we done: There is no marketing nor dev wallet. Only wallets are holders. We have already done all the burning. Burning wallet is excluded from reflections. Tax is 1% for buy,sell and transfer. All tax goes to holders as reflections (self reflection). Remaining supply is 172mil, only about 20 mil still available. Contract is renounced. Liquidity is locked for 80 years, making it unruggable. Because of low tax daytrading is possible and because of all burning already done reflections are similar to 5% instead of 1. The name of the token is raidertoken $raid. Website It is totally community based. Right now there is some high volatility because of cmc listing and people taking their profits. Some other tokens are already offering us as a staking option and as reflections choice. Feel free to check it out. It is ment to be a safe haven for all that want a 100% safe token.



1 year before ago

🌘 R A I D E R - T O K E N πŸŒ’ β€ͺMore information about Us - Raider Token β€ͺπŸ‘‰ Telegram group - πŸ‘‰ Website - πŸ‘‰ Twitter - πŸ‘‰ Tiktok - β€ͺ$RAID #RaiderToken πŸš€ ‬



1 year before ago

$RAID #RaiderToken @RaiderToken πŸ’Ž Raider token is the safest crypto in existence because we have a renounced contract and locked liquidity. This means there is no one β€” not even a single developer from the project β€” who can access the code, change the reflections, change the supply, pull out liquidity, nothing! The token is permanently unchangeable. As it is today, so it will be in 50 years. You’ll always earn interest from EVERY transaction, and you can never lose your funds. This is how crypto was supposed to be. Sadly we are one of the only tokens in the world that functions this way. Lucky for you, you’re here now! Enjoy!



1 year before ago

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