Vote for UNIFAIR

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

08 March, 2022


UNIFAIR is a new token built on the BEP20 standard that promises to bring change in the way investors are rewarded and bring positive change in the blockchain world. Our first goal is to create a mobile application linked to smart contracts that will bring physical or digital rewards to a predominantly online world. It is about connecting the investor and his rewards in one web3 ecosystem.

Our first objective is to create a safe-space to invest. We are an honest, attentive and experienced development team, whose track record for integrity can be evidenced on the blockchain. Main idea behind this project is limitless, we believe we can create the most transparent and liberal token based on BSC network. We have a diverse range of expertise within our team, including decades of coding experience, computer forensics, engineering, online marketing and entrepreneurship. This breadth of knowledge has inspired within us a good solution we all believe can help bring back the confidence of investors within DeFi.

The DeFi space is growing exponentially, with countless new projects launching every day. One of the main reasons for this growth is the huge investment opportunities that are possible. If you manage to find the right project and get in at launch you can make huge gains in a short amount of time, massive profits which can hardly be made anywhere else.


Soft Cap 150 BNB

Hard Cap 300 BNB

Initial Market Cap (estimate) $249,449

Minimum Buy: 0.1 BNB

Maximum Buy: 3 BNB


✅12% BUY/SELL Tax

✅5% Reflection

✅5% LP Acquisition

✅2% Marketing Wallet

✅ Audit by AuditRateTech

✅ Liquidity Locked 180 days

✅ Team Verified

🔥 Application - Work In Progress

🔥 Online Store - Work In Progress

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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