Vote for Shibushi Inu

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Market Cap


Launch Date

03 March, 2022


Join ShiBushi, the fearless Samurai forged by SHIBA The SHIBUSHI token on Ethereum is a deflationary money maker that uses community beneficial tokenomics to support healthy price action.
Utility is based on giving back to the SHIBUSHI INU token and its community entirely. Besides using parts of the team wallets to buy more SHIBUSHI INU, SHIBUSHI INU will be investing in other blue-chip and about to be success story crypto projects. This strategy opens the door to create wealth on a different level that is funneled straight back into the token and the community. By building the SHIBUSHI INU portfolio, rewards can be collected over time to help boost its world wide ecosystem with confidence. This is what we call an aggressive money making strategy.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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