🐑 BSHEEP ($BSHEEP) is a community driven project built on Binance Smart Chain #BSC. BSHEEP brings the most disruptive approach to BSC ecosystem: A community based project which ensures that holders of $BSHEEP are entitled to receive $BNB through the community pool system.
🐑 BSHEEP team include experienced designers, developers and marketing from the crypto industry.
♻️ $BSHEEP Contract: 0xeb4bd7cac8c58073d9301a5fb06c15c02ccf7d9f (https://bscscan.com/token/0xeb4bd7cac8c58073d9301a5fb06c15c02ccf7d9f)
📖 Whitepaper: BSheep Finance Whitepaper (https://bsheep.finance/Assets/Files/BSHEEP-Whitepaper_v2.pdf)
✅ Audited by Solidity Finance: Solidity Finance Audit Result (https://solidity.finance/audits/BSheep/)
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