Vote for Ferret

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

02 June, 2021


Cryptocurrency / utility token, implemented and verified on Binance Smart Chain, created with the idea of being the native token of an NFT marketplace. That idea evolved and today it is becoming the token of the different inBierto platforms ( FERRET is a DeFi Token whose main characteristics are the automatic redistribution of static rewards to its holders (% 3), automatic liquidity pool (% 3), low transfer, the potential of the different uses as a token and its economic policy. investment by inBierto. Ferret Token is being adapted to be used in the different crypto platforms of InBierto Cryptocurrencies. Its uses will range from iEApp debit card funding, a CriptoVentas user loyalty program to the native token of an ATM network deployed in Uruguay called These uses are reinforced with a strong economic policy of burning and investment in the token by inBierto.

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