Vote for HelpKidz Coin

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

23 November, 2021



Help that really gets there - accompanying and supporting children

If children are free from economic pressure, they can develop freely and optimally at any age. They develop visions for their own lives and discover goals to work toward. Adults can hinder or encourage such intellectual growth. Poverty and scarcity stand in the way of a life-affirming path.

This is where Helpkidz Coin comes in, building a growing community through decentralized economies. Fundamental projects and developer solutions for children are financially supported and advanced. When a coin is purchased, a two percent share is transferred to a charity wallet. Once enough has accumulated there, the euro amounts are transferred directly to a project or converted into in-kind contributions. The HelpKidz Coin provides much-needed financial assistance or food, clothing or washing machines. The two percent aid benefits children throughout Europe. It is a safe investment in the future of these children, because their lives are improved. At the same time, each HelpKidz Coin buyer receives a three percent increase in value.

Listed exchanges are currently PancakeSwap and PooCoin

The HelpKidz Coin is currently created in a limited quantity of 1 billion. When a coin is purchased, a 2% share is transferred to a charity wallet. Once enough has accumulated there, the Euro amounts are put directly into an appropriate project or converted into in-kind contributions. Whether it is food, the purchase of missing clothes, a washing machine or funds - with the HelpKidz Coin we offer much needed support.

We want to help children all over Europe with our HelpKidz Coin.
Invest safely in the future of many children. Because with every purchase of a HelpKidz Coin you contribute to improving the lives of many children.
Thanks to its high liquidity, our Coin will also remain extremely stable and healthy in the years to come!

➡️  The aid projects are coordinated with several organizations

➡️  We offer strong liquidity for retail cryptocurrencies.

➡️  The coin enables easy implementation for different software.

➡️  The limited number of coins to 1 billion make it very secure.

➡️  As a holder you are rewarded with 3% per transaction


Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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