Vote for Fluffy Inu

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

23 November, 2021


$FLUFF token is a cryptocurrency under the categories of "meme" or "dog" token, with the goal of building up a dedicated community and raising the price and market cap collaboratively. With upcoming integrations such as Defi and NFTs soon to be added to our portfolio of features, we will surely moon!

Some of our current features are the following:

Tax Redistribution

The FLUFF token automatically calculates 3% of all transactions and spreads it between every wallet which holds FLUFF. The method in which the amount each wallet will receive is based on an algorithm that takes the top holders, and gives them a descending percentage down to the wallet which holds the least amount of FLUFF token.

Periodic Burning

To increase the price of our project, we are going to be performing periodic burns. This is where we lock part of the supply to a wallet that cannot be accessed, similarly to throwing away the key to a safe. This will hopefully decrease volatility and minimise impermanent loss for our investors.

Marketing/Airdrop Wallets

On token creation, 10 per cent of the supply will be split equally between the marketing and the airdrop wallets. With this charity supply, we will hold polls on our socials to let the community decide what the tokens will be invested into! This could be anything from billboards, donating to charities and even CoinMarketCap and PooCoin advertisements. However, the airdrop address will be used in token airdrops, where we giveaway free tokens to anybody who enters the giveaway and meets the requirements. These requirements can be anything from simply following the social media pages, to holding a minimum amount of FLUFF tokens.

Our roadmap:

As featured on our website, our roadmap has very specific goals and points which we are aiming to reach before the deadline. This includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Q4 2021:

• Locking 45% of supply to be used in liquidity

• The launch of the token on exchanges

• 40% of the supply will be burned to send price to parabolic heights

• PooCoin/CoinMarketCap

In the last quarter of 2021, we are mainly focused on launching the token and getting the rocket going during the remainder of the year. We must have a fair launch so there are not any inequalities in our community.

Q1 2022:

Liquidity fee lowered to 2%

Automatic charity donations activated

Advertisements purchased

Listing on small exchanges

NFT collection

The second stage is about sustaining the momentum we gained in the first stage, perhaps one of the most important. It also includes scaling and spreading out liquidity.

Q2 2022:

Dedicated staking protocol implemented 

1% token burn fee added

Listing on larger exchanges

Celebrity onboarding

Our third stage is all about upgrading the token and getting the word out there, also increasing the convenience of buying the token for newcomers to the community

Q3 2022:

Decentralized Exchange (FluffySwap) launched

Billboards and CoinMarketCap advertisements purchased 

Huge charity donations (10k+)

The last stage is mainly focused on being flashy, and gaining popularity and rapidly increasing the price of our crypto, giving the long term holders lots of incentive to hold on to their tokens and not dump them on newer users.

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.



Fluffy Inu $FLUFF

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