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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

19 October, 2021


SYDKA is a token that focuses on education through cryptocurrency. This Edu-Crypto project will help to establish educational institutions/universities (Online and Physical) and to make various forms of knowledge (including knowledge about cryptocurrency) accessible to everyone around the world, regardless of background or privilege.

The token will highlight the positive role of cryptocurrency in the education sector, thereby showcasing the positive effects of this Edu-crypt project on all fields of work (e.g., I.T, Engineering, Medicine etc.). SYDKA token will be used as one of the currencies within these educational institutions to pay salaries and tuitions fees etc.

This has been a dream of SYDKA’s founder for many years, to leave a legacy of knowledge. The SYDKA team aims to leave behind knowledge that will benefit people in all parts of the world. They believe education is the key to changing the world. Nothing else will ever have the same impact or difference – nor will it ever have a lasting effect. A scholar may pass on knowledge to a student and it continues like a ripple effect throughout generations. 

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