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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

12 December, 2021


NUSAKU launched by PT GREEN GOLD ARTHABUANA as a Crypto Asset of the Future The NUSAKU Project is the Digitization of the TREE ADOPTION Program carried out by KOPRABUH using Blockchain technology. It is hoped that through CRYPTOCURRENCY tree planting by KOPRABUH farmers will be more effective because all data can be accessed in real-time and CARBON CREDIT validation becomes more transparent with the issuance of a DIGITAL TREE ADOPTION CERTIFICATE Clean The Air, Green The World.. Plant The Tree, Find The Gold.. Against Climate Change.. Oxygenerators Is Our Hope . TREE ADOPTION with Four Factor For Fighting Climate Change The 4F2C method is: 1. Carbon Sink 2. ECO Energy 3. ECO INDUSTRY 4. ECO City
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