Vote for Tysonrex

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

24 November, 2021


Tysonrex is 100% meme and collectible token. Its purpose is to give the not so fortunate, financial stability and a chance to live a happy prosperous life.

Tysonrex token that refers to something positive going to happen in your environment. The more tysonrex you have, the more likely it is to happen.

My token TysonRex is Inspired by the hottest memecoin to hit the market in recent times, The concept of this project originated from Elon’s Shiba and Doge called ‘Floki’ and MiniFloki is ready to surpassed its predecessors roadmap of NFT concept.

My project has been created in, a bonding curve-based BSC token creator.

Tysonrex is planned with total 1000000 tokens.

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