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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

24 November, 2021


Matroskin token built on

Binance smart chain as a BEP-20 contract.

Our token was originally issued as a memtoken, it contains the power of our entire community, the mascot of which is our cat Matroskin.


The Matroskin protocol makes it possible to receive passive income. This is ensured by several conditions of the project's smart contract. The token uses three simple functions in every trade to combat volatile losses and create a better protocol. These are static rewards, manual token burning and automatic replenishment of the liquidity pool.

Reward to owners from buying or selling

The main idea is to encourage holders. Each transaction is charged 10% (5% is distributed among the holders, and 5% goes to LP. This mechanism is an incentive for users to continue to store their tokens, thus collecting even more tokens, similar to how dividends work for shareholders ...

Manual burning

Matroskin has implemented a manual burning strategy that will benefit the token in the long term to ensure that the value of the asset grows gradually. The community will be fully informed about new burns and the total number of tokens burned will always be on the home page of the website, making it easy to always identify circulating stocks.

 Automatic replenishment of the liquidity pool

The token protocol has an automatically replenished liquidity pool. What this means for you: 5% of each transaction is deducted to the PancakeSwap liquidity pool as an additional tax. In general, this liquidity will be blocked for 5 years. Thanks to this function of the protocol, it will be easier to convert the token into fiat funds through buy and sell.

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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