Vote for SuperCake

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

20 October, 2021


SuperCake NFT is a Yield Farming optimisor using the power of DeFi and NFTs to bring new and efficient Yield strategies to it's user's. All liquidity provided to our pools is redirected to Pancakeswap's pools. Therefore user's providing liquidity in will earn $SPK token and will receive daily airdrop of $Cake from Pancakeswap's pools. The SuperCake NFTs collection, is our personified version of NFT gamification in an innovative Yield Farming experience! The SuperCake NFTs allow the holders to access a Special NFT Pool for a period of 1 month and also have "SuperPower's" which provides to the holders the ability to bypass restrictions like harvest lockup, reduce deposit fees and more. You can learn all about our project and tokenomic here :

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