Vote for Magic Floki

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

19 October, 2021


Magic Floki is a reflectionary token on the Binance Smart Chain network. Invest and earn passive income from the next big thing to hit the Binance Smart Chain. With unique limitations to transaction limits, such as the 5 trillion max transaction limit as well as the maximum of 10 trillion transaction limit per hour, we're ensuring stability with Magic Floki token. The 10% tax is split up into a 3/3/4 distribution. 3% is reflected to holders, 3% goes to the liquidity pool, and 4% goes to the marketing wallet to ensure growth of our community.

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Gem Hound

2 years before ago

Easily a 100x coin. Partnership with FARMERDOGE! NFT market in dev. Anti-rugpull transaction limit (1%/10T)! Soon to be listed on CG & CMC. Get on this rocket while you still can!!

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