Vote for Seismic CB

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

20 September, 2021


Seismic CB recognizes the need and use for a mainstream cryptocurrency in South-Africa and Africa. The need to receive and spend money from your mobile or desktop instantly across the country. Currently if Realtime payment is not used by the bank you are receiving money from. You can wait up to 3 days before the money reflects in your account. Fees for Realtime payments can be as much as ZAR65 or $4.5. Alternatively instant money transfers require you to drive or walk to a ATM machine. Many people in South Africa and Africa don’t own cars. Seismic CB aims to provide a payment system to employers, friends, and family to transfer and send money to anyone in the country instantly and have it available to use right away.

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Yogesh Agarwal

2 years before ago

Join the VC guys today💪 3pm UTC 23rd October

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