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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

16 June, 2021


SHREE is the whole ecosystem, just one account is needed to start using all the SHREE products. SHREE is technically a model with its unique algorithm on a solid foundation, attracting robust utilization of digital assets with the right compliance and governance nuances. * Food chain yield enhancements and Agricultural logistics management. * Ayurvedic Healthcare System Developments. * Ancient and Innovative Education Platforms creating. * Insurance over digital trade and general insurance. * Cross-border trade. * Consulting on technology innovations. * R&D in various sectors. SHREE’s wallet app works with BTC, ETH, Litecoin, Ripple, and Dogecoin. Even more, currencies are expected to be added in the future. It features in-app cryptocurrency conversions, cryptocurrency transfers, and an option to lock/unlock the debit card.
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