Vote for Brick Coin

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

16 October, 2021


BRICK COIN offers an all-in-one, community-based platform for anyone looking to relive their childhood in the modern age. Custom Mini-Figure NFT's, NFT Holder Rewards, Custom LEGO Set NFT's Incorporating Celebrities and Modern Possessions like the Tesla Cyber Truck, and SO MUCH MORE! BRICK COIN gives a modern upgrade and builds an amazing community around everyones favourite childhood toy! Relive the worry free days of your childhood with BRICK COIN! The currency behind this innovative and viral project is $BRCK, so make your investment before the population of Brick City skyrockets! EVERYTHING IS AWESOME WITH BRICK COIN!

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2 years before ago

hi.. i provide UPvotes for most websites .. dm me if interested telegram .. Votemaster1

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