Vote for DaddyFloki

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

16 October, 2021


DaddyFloki its a deflationary token in the Binance Smart Chain, the taxes on every buy. This gives a nice entry point to the newcomers on FlokiBSC.

Total supply: 100 BILLION

Marketing wallet: 3%

Dev wallet: 2%

Initial burn: 45%

Pancakeswap: 50%

Initial liquidity: 10 BNB

Liquidity locked on DX SALE for 7 years

12% Buy tax

1% Auto burn

1% automatic burn on each transaction will make $DF super pumped with increased the MC

14% to keep the transactions in check as well as establish $DF pool for better liquidity boost.

3% Marketing

Our team is committed to bring the best in class marketing, utilising the funds available from the marketing pool to enhance the experience and return for our holders.

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2 years before ago

hi.. i provide UPvotes for most websites .. dm me if interested telegram .. Votemaster1

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