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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

10 October, 2021


BurningQuick (bQuick)

Introducing BurningQuick the new hyperdeflationary token build to burn as quick as possible. The goal is to build a solid community that believes in the long term visions. bQUICK will be the change everybody needs. The cryptospace is filled with scams and let's all agree that this is getting out of hand, so many people lose their invested money. One of our big goals is to make a change in this once and for all! Join our fight against these criminals and feel safe for once while investing!

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2 years before ago

The BurningQuick Community has proven once again as being a force to be reckoned with. BurningQuick also known as bQuick, first broke out into the crypto space 8 days ago. Since launching, the bQuick token has gained momentum similar to the snowball effect and has been impressively raising eyebrows ever since, creating its own imprint amongst crypto currency peers. The crypto community has no option, but to recognize bQuick's legitimacy. -Mike Angelo Guess

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