Vote for B-MONEY

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

26 June, 2021


B-money DAO aims to inform and create a social memory by bringing up key people and events in the history of blockchain. Turning the important milestones into Memento CryptoCurrencies as a tribute to those that serve the cryptocurrency community.

Memento CC is the first digital adaptation of the Mint’s Commemorative Coin. The first cryptocurrency of the B-money DAO is B-MONEY. The DAO and pioneer Memento CC take their names from Wei Dai's 1998 b-money project which inspired Satoshi Nakamoto while creating Bitcoin and the blockchain in use today. The DAO honors and rewards people -known to have played an important role in historical events- for their contributions. Every Memento CC is based on a historical fact and allocates a stake to the person behind the event or to their relatives.

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