(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

30 September, 2021


To minimize investors’ risks the main amount of tokens will be locked for 3 years with some part being unlocked once a year.

The next measure is aimed at the profits growth of our community’s participants. Once in 6 months we’re going to buy our tokens back out of the exchange in the amount of 5 % of the company’s revenue at any price and burn them, by doing so we reduce tokens offer. Furthermore, some part of tokens will be burnt at every transaction.

Crypto Emergency is a community of crypto enthusiasts united by an ecosystem with automated tools for daily financial transactions, storage of funds, creation and promotion of fintech innovations.

We solve the problem of integrating cryptocurrencies from cash and settlement operations to the introduction of tokenization in the banking sector at the state level.

To this end, at the initiative of the Crypto Emergency community, a number of
key products are being created:
- a tokenized Q&A platform;
-programs to support startups;
- a crypto university integrated with government training programs to train highly sought-after personnel in the economic sector;
- all-in-one a set of tools with light interfaces designed based on the wishes of the community for solving the daily tasks of a wide range of users (wallet, exchange, depository, trust listing);
- a news detector that analyzes, using artificial intellige, , the veracity of
materials and their actual impact on cryptocurrency markets;
- cross-platform advertising.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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