Vote for Crypto For Kids

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

25 September, 2021


The “Crypto For Kids” token project was developed and founded with the single purpose of finding ways to help the most vulnerable and poverty stricken communities by providing an alternative way of funding infrastructure projects and providing local communities with jobs and income. There are 59 passionate community Co-founders who have come together to create the CFK Token. The establishment of a new way to fund local community projects and provide the necessary opportunities to lift people out of poverty and create jobs that will impact the lives of families and children in a positive way for years to come. All CFK token funded projects will have guaranteed transparency and the funds raised will be wisely spent on the right projects for each community. The CFK community will provide an open forum for every one to participate with ideas and suggestions and they will be able to vote, comment upon or physically participate in the many projects that will be developed.
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