Vote for DOGL

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Market Cap


Launch Date

12 September, 2021


DOGL is a reflection token on BSC, with an ecosystem prepared for a series of DOGL dApps, Media, Events, Games & More.

Upcoming developments at DOGL include but are not limited to:

1. Detailed Whitepaper

2. DOGLAudits, A complete audit department will be setup and provide audit services for various projects on BSC. This service has a revenue and burn model as well to help inflate DOGL price.

3. A Reflection Dashboard to track your DOGL reflections, where you will ALSO be able to swap & Buy using metamask/trustwallet!

4. DOGLPay Payment App will be developed to increase adoption of DOGL among masses and even bring in non-crypto users as well! This will include a user friendly Payment app, with several useful features.

DOGLnomics 12% Taxes & Distribution Equally divided for Reflections Liquidity & Marketing Wallet



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