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Market Cap


Launch Date

30 September, 2021


Inspired by Blockchain Technology and in tune with the global NFT “craze”, WARENA is an ingenious combination of the two latest gaming trends: Play-to-Earn and Metaverse. Anyone in the WARENA ecosystem can enjoy countervailing strategy gameplay within our vast super-realistic Metaverse while earning digital incomes with tokens collected within the gameplay and their contributions to the WARENA ecosystem, which later could be converted into NFTs.

Using AI Personalization technology, WARENA allows players to create their own unique characters at a deep level of munitions, gear, and skill level, providing a more realistic experience throughout their adventures. More excitingly, within WARENA Metaverse, players get to meet, interact, and battle with other characters from other Universes such as Axie Infinity, My Defi Pet, and Cat Gunner.

WARENA is not just a normal NFTs game. Players get to immerse in the character and engage in thrilling and desperate action-survival gameplay throughout two phases: Phase 1 - Survival and Phase 2 - Metaverse.

WARENA will be introduced to various markets across South East Asia & Central Europe. Each of these versions comes with new additions to our metaverse and unlocking character abilities to our users. Within our marketplace, each NFT-based character has its own uniqueness, rarity, and advantages. This renders them valuable digital assets and easily tradable in our NFT marketplace or other decentralized exchanges. Warena aims to be a true user-owned game with its own decentralized organization called Community Council which will be managed by the community. Players can also enjoy the democratic governance model based on a liquid democracy and “real-world” rules via a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The Community Council will be an important element of the game ecosystem, which will address both in-game issues as well as proposals regarding future game development and funding.

Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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