
Sweet Poon Coin


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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

28 August, 2021


Sweet Poon Cake is a reflection token on the bsc network.

Sweet Poon Cake pushes the boundaries of how nft’s can be exchanged between two people.

Our revolutionary NFCT (non fungible canvas token) bridges the gap between the real world and the crypto world.

Our exchange will allow you to not only sell the NFT, but the real property behind it! Request custom nft’s/ art from creators, exchange with the world and join the fun!

This project is brought to you by Flash Coins. Flash Coins provides low cap gems to the community without the rug pulls, honeypots, etc.

We aim to let’s the traders focus on their investment and not if they will be scammed any second. Flash coins: play safe, ape hard.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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