Vote for TorrentShiba

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

05 August, 2021


🚀 TorrentShiba (TSHIBA) 🚀 ⚡ Earn 15% reflections in BTT by holding TSHIBA. TorrentShiba is the only Shiba on the BSC Network to reward its holders with BitTorrent tokens (BTT). ⚡ Tokenomics 💰 Total Supply – 1,000,000,000,000,000 Initial Allocation 📌 PancakeSwap liquidity: 80% 📌 Marketing fund: 5% 📌 Influencers Marketing fund: 10% 📌 Team fund: 3% 📌 Giveaway fund: 2% Marketing is covered with funds to take the project a long way! Redistribution Mechanism ✔️ To Liquidity – 2% ✔️ To Holders – 15% ✔️ To Marketing Wallet – 4% Transaction Functionality 🔹 PancakeSwap Slippage - 22% to 25% 🔹 Transaction Limit - Max 1% - 10,000,000,000,000 per transaction 🔹 Max Wallet Amount - 2% - 20,000,000,000,000 TSHIBA Safety ✅ Stealth launch ✅ Contract verified ✅ Ownership renounced ✅ Liquidity locked
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