Vote for CardanoEvo

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

30 July, 2021


The CardanoEvo (cEvo) project has been running since May 2021. As well as delivering over $65,000 worth of Cardano rewards to investors thus far, our project continues to evolve. Since inception, we have launched our website (, our EvoDashboard ( and our Merchandise Store ( Further developments have seen the successful launch of our Dex exchange – EvoSwap ( and our own token being listed on further exchanges such as Coinsbit ( Our team have begun their doxxing process on the website; and are actively engaged with the community every day. Social channels have been successfully launched on Telegram, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, with followings increasing daily. The project is listed on many minor listing sites and applications have been submitted to two of the more major ones. The most recent project developments have delivered listings at Coinranking and the publication of our first major audit by TechAudit. We continue to grow and progress, with coding work for our EvoNFT marketplace well underway. We are a community-led project, delivering the will of our investors in a professional, ethical, legitimate and effective manner. We are CardanoEvo; long-term and progressive.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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