Vote for RemeX

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

20 July, 2021


Agafos LLC has been operating on the Georgian market since April 2020. Today, the Agafos team consists of 14 members who are qualified in management, development, and marketing. RemeX is a token introduced by AGAFOS - a project lead by enthusiastic team aimed at making online marketing creative and fun. Using blockchain technology the team is building a decentralized user-generated system that makes ads pleasant and resourceful. Taking into account the bad consequences of most presales that happened recently, we decided to cancel presale and fill the Liquidity Pool on a private sale. Participants of the Private sale are team members and backers who believe in the project and therefore are interested in its long-term investment. In addition, all of us have a limit of 25% quarterly to sell tokens. It creates a very strong basis for the development of the token.
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