Vote for miniPYRAM

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

28 July, 2021


$mPYRAM is the first ever automatic $PYRAM reflection token and it is back by a solid team! Why $PYRAM? Pyram Token is a utility and yield farming token made to be used on the ArenaSwap platform. Their community is insanely bullish and our team feels that they will be the next big thing. 🧨 Features: 💲 $PYRAM Reflection 🔐 Locked LP | Check TG pinned 🏪 Huge marketing | PAID ✅ Experienced Dev Team 💰Tokenonomics: Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 Max Buy & Max Wallet: 2% Max Sell: 0.5% Tax: 17% 10% PYRAM Reflection - Redistribution is pegged to volume to ensure the contract does not over-compensate at down time 5% Liquidity - Automatically added to the liquidity pool to keep up with the golden ratio 2% Marketing - Might be used to fast track CG and CMC
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