Vote for LFGain$

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

30 July, 2021


LFGain$ The next best passive income token on the BSC BNB rewards auto added to holders wallets every 30 min Check out your BNB gain$ on the dashboard on our website Buy back and reflections on every transaction ensures our hodlers are getting the best kind of rewards on BSC and making X's on their investment NO DEV WALLET 5% Marketing Wallet Anti-whale mechanism Sustainable BNB Rewards LP locked for 2 years upon dxsale finalisation Liquidity burnt at launch TechRate audit Contract - TBA Supply Breakdown: Total Supply | 11.5 Trillion DXsale/Pancake | 4.6 Trillion Tokens Burnt | 2.3 Trillion Tax Breakdown: (16% Overall) 10% BNB Rewards to HODLers 4% Liquidity Pool 2% Buy back and Burn PRESALE INFORMATION PRESALE/DXSALE - 30.07.2021 Presale Countdown Pancake Swap launch time will be decided via a community poll closer to presale Social media Website: Twitter: Facebook: Telegram: @LFGains - Offical
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