The next best passive income token on the BSC
BNB rewards auto added to holders wallets every 30 min
Check out your BNB gain$ on the dashboard on our website
Buy back and reflections on every transaction ensures our hodlers are getting the best kind of rewards on BSC and making X's on their investment
5% Marketing Wallet
Anti-whale mechanism
Sustainable BNB Rewards
LP locked for 2 years upon dxsale finalisation
Liquidity burnt at launch
TechRate audit
Contract - TBA
Supply Breakdown:
Total Supply | 11.5 Trillion
DXsale/Pancake | 4.6 Trillion
Tokens Burnt | 2.3 Trillion
Tax Breakdown: (16% Overall)
10% BNB Rewards to HODLers
4% Liquidity Pool
2% Buy back and Burn
PRESALE/DXSALE - 30.07.2021 Presale Countdown
Pancake Swap launch time will be decided via a community poll closer to presale
Social media
Website: www.LFGains.com
Twitter: twitter.com/LFGains
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LFGains-106288458400885
Telegram: @LFGains - Offical
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.