Vote for Ganymede

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Ethereum Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

17 July, 2021


$GANYMEDE Token was launched by @FairLaunchCalls! Their team of developers have already proven themselves with $HODL and EverApe! The second and most anticipated Token of the Moon-eco Series $GANYMEDE has sliding tax/reflections; meaning at the point of community handover, $GANYMEDE Token can allow the community to choose between anything from a 0% tax token, pure reflections token, or even setting up a multi-sig community ETH wallet for marketing. Join the community and help us build the eco-system
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2 years before ago

This is 100% community owned! And this what the community is working on right now: - Community Handover (almost done) - Multisig Community Marketing wallet (done) - New Roadmap - Whitepaper - Plan Marketing / influencers - Planning competitions for community / awareness - Update website - Potential partnership

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