



Vote for BNBRetriever

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Market Cap


Launch Date

26 July, 2021


BNBRetriever is loyal, hardworking and weathers the storm to fulfil its duties! $BNBRETRIEVER is a deflationary coin designed to become more scarce over time. All holders of BNB Retriever will earn more BNB over time that is automatically sent to your wallet by simply by holding BNB Retriever coins in your wallet. Watch the amount of BNB grow in your wallet as all holders automatically receive a 9%-13% fee from every transaction that happens on the BNB Retriever network. The community receives more BNB coins from the fees generated each transaction.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.



Joon Wei Hong

2 years before ago

awesome project ! This is so underated ! This is gonna moon !

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