Vote for MiyagiCoin

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

12 July, 2021


• MiyagiCoin is a token created on the Binance Smart Chain utilizing verified bep20 protocol. It was created by an avid crypto fan, karate master, and developer with the goal of disrupting the meme coin market. It is a smart contract that functions as a store of value and medium of exchange. The current and max circulating supply is 500 billion. All coins were minted at creation and there is no capability to mint anymore coins. 350 billion coins were placed permanently in a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap at an extremely low price to allow for investors and users of all socioeconomic statuses. The other 150 billion were placed in a wallet to be utilized for emergency liquidity, furthering the project, and burning. Ownership has been renounced, this is a truly decentralized token. Future plans of creating private mobile wallet with free MiyagiCoin transfers between wallet users, creating a decentralized exchange, and much more.
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