Vote for DogeDust

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

19 July, 2021


DogeDust ($DogeDust) just launched on BSC, and will be having multiple launch contests going on on their twitter since! A self-liquidity adding, autoburn, contract that has one mission: To SMASH the LP with 17% of every transaction! 💰 DogeDust ($DogeDust) Tokenomics 💰 Total Supply: 100 Trillion Initial Burn: 10 Trillion (10%) Max Tx: 1 Trillion (~1.0% of Total Supply) Max Wallet: 2 Trillion (~2% of Total Supply) Supply Burn: 10% on Launch 17% LP Tax There's really only one thing we ask; Help us grow and HODL! Without these two key components, we most likely will never make it past the atmosphere. A true moonshot relies on it's community! DogeDust is 100% verified safu, and links are all posted in the Tg! The current goal is purely to provide a safu ride through the stars, and give all of our holders a chance to fill their bags with $DogeDust, both large holders and small!!
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