Vote for AWPSnipper

(You can vote once every 24 hours.)


Ethereum Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

26 July, 2021


This Bot has multiple functions: 1A Allows you to buy new tokens just added in Pancake Swap in less than zero seconds from listing. Connecting to the Blockchain network, finding and securing the liquidity of the transactions of the token you are trying to snipe and then placing the buy order in the same block. “Important information” (This action must be added manually by the contract address you want to snipe). It is important to know that the contract you are trying to snipe is legit, the bot cannot recognize the authenticity of the contract. Be sure to do your own research before to snipe a contract. 1B Front Running: is the act of executing a trade (Sell or Buy). The bot will detect when a trade or a group of trades will occur shortly, it will find the buy orders of normal users and allow you to buy before them in a record time.
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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