Vote for DangerMoon

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

14 July, 2021


DangerMoon is similar to SafeMoon but 5% reflection fees go to one random holder at a time rather than being evenly distributed. Buying a minimum entry amount of DangerMoon will get you 1 entry in the reflection system. Additionally, donating the minimum entry amount to the following addresses to gain more entries: - Charity address = sender gains 1 entry, Charity address gains 1 entry - Marketing address = sender gains 1 entry, Marketing address gains 1 entry - Burn address = sender gains 2 entries, Burn address gains 1 entry Entries in the reflection system are lost in the following ways: - Selling any amount of DANGERMOON - Sending DANGERMOON anywhere, excluding the Burn/Charity/Marketing addresses Once an address has lost its entries, it can not obtain any more. A new address must be used to once again obtain entries. Recent payouts from the reflection system were as high as $20k and will grow with trading volume! Find out how to play and more - like how we use Chainlink VRF for provably fair payouts - on our website!
Disclaimer:All content is presented on this website solely for informational purposes. Before you buy, research, analyze, and verify our content. Always Do your Own Research.


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