Vote for Sifaka Swap

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

15 July, 2021


SIFAKA-SWAP (SFS) Presell Launch on 7/15/21 . SIFAKA-SWAP is a community driven, presell launched de-fi token that wants to make crypto payments online, easy , secure and focus in online school education. The tokenomics on this project are incredibly interesting as there are 1 Trillion tokens total supply which 300 Billion at presell launch & no one on the dev team receives tokens. A 10% tax is levied on every SFS transaction that takes place. 4% is sent to the LP (permanetly locked), 3% is redistributed to all holders & 3% is allocated to marketing/ Donation for online education for countries impacted with COVID -19 in Africa and Asia . 150 scholarships offered for online school in Africa due to covid. Find more info here
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