Vote for DogeWookiee

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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

19 July, 2021


DogeWookiee: A New Hope DogeWookiee is a brand new fully automated buyback token. Whitelist contest is still active and will be hitting pancake swap this week. Its primary feature is an original fully automated buyback and burn system. After a faulty launch the team (formerly MoonWookiee) completed a refund of over 200 BNB and sought a new developer. With increased vigor, enthusiasm and a community with renewed faith; The Dogewookiee is inevitably going to the moon. 🚀 Tokenomics 🚀 ✅ 8% Liquidity tax ✅ 2% Marketing tax ✅ All excess liquidity over 8% of Marketcap goes toward buybacks ✅ Doge Thrusters Automatically activated Every 30 Minutes ✅100% of excess liquidity auto buy-back-and-burned ✅ Taxes doubled for 3 minutes after every buyback
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