
DiamondDoge Coin


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Binance Smart Chain



Market Cap


Launch Date

26 April, 2021


DiamondDoge Crypto Token (DDOGE) is a new tradable meme token which is tributed to the iconic Dogecoin. “The iconic meme token was designed like a real coin showing the swole doge hodling the diamonds strongly in front of the moon. That’s the spirit of the community. And the value of this digital token asset derives from holding it as strong as the displayed DiamondDoge. Never give them away!” Founder of DiamondDoge At the moment DDOGE crypto tokens have no other specific purpose or function than owning and holding them with diamond hands. So if you are strong enough, the price might skyrocket to the moon! The basic idea also pays tribute to the huge worldwide Dogecoin community. We believe in the power and dynamic of the Dogecoin army helping us to take off from earth and shoot the token into space. Early birds will have the advantage of buying cheaply. And if diamond holders are patient and strong enough, it may pay out in the long run.
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